Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Samuel's Birthday Party

We had so much fun on Saturday as we celebrated Samuel's 7th birthday at the park. What a blessing it is every time I see Annette, her husband Chris, and their beautiful children! Another miraculously mended family. The friends, the smiles, the laughter...mmm the cake! What a great party. My kids have always wanted to ride the little train and finally got the chance to do it, and share the experience with all their friends. They filled up an entire train with just the birthday party...even Bro. Hake, our associate pastor got on there with his LONG legs. haha. I of course, stayed behind so I could take pictures and hold little Phoebe. It does my heart good to see all the little ones having so much fun. Thanks, Annette, for letting us share this day with you.


  1. He is such a funny boy! I love his little...I mean BIG personality! He has always given me a smile or two when I needed one!!!:)

  2. He definitely keeps us all in stitches. Sunday's Patch performance was too funny!!

  3. oh these are so great...love seeing familiar face...looks like you had much fun and fellowship...what can be better.


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