Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Taking Advantage of the Sunshine!

I can't believe how beautiful the weather has been over the last couple of weeks. Some friends of ours suggested a picnic at the lake last Sunday after church. Normally, I would rather be at home on Sunday afternoons, as I seem to be overly tired that day, but we decided we should take advantage of the sunny days while they are here. We stopped by Fred Meyer, grabbed some chicken and soda's and headed to Horseshoe Lake.

Lindsey, Dan and their little Jacob met us there as well as Joy and her boys and my neice Sydney. We tried to enjoy a beautiful picnic lunch but the bees kept wanting to join in on the fun. No one could really sit very long without one landing on their food. It was actually entertaining to watch Joy and Lindsey squeal whenever one came near them. haha. I probably shouldn't laugh, I act the same way when there are spiders around. We found that as long as there was no food in our hands the bees left us alone, so we put the food away and decided to sit down closer to the lake and just enjoy the warm, sunny day. Baby Jacob absolutely loves throwing rocks in the water. He was fully entertained all afternoon digging in the mud for rocks and then splashing them into the lake. The older kids took turns jumping off of the dock. David wasn't able to last year, but has mastered swimming now so we let him as long as we were standing right there.Our little yorkie, Phoebe, seemed so concerned whenever the kids jumped in the water. She would lean over the dock and peer down into the water to make sure they were all right. She's so stinkn' adorable! Joy ended up leaving after not too long, she just couldn't handle the buzzing bees that seemed to be attracted to her. hehe. They seem to know the people who are the most afraid of them. It was good that she could get out for a little while and fellowship with us, hopefully next time we won't have any pests distracting our good time. I am thoroughly enjoying these last summer days, and thankful that the rain has not yet begun.


  1. It was HOOOTTT! We had nursing home that day and the nursing home was stifling! Always makes it that much more pleasant to the nostrils! Oh well, it doesn't matter. That is one of my favorite ministries to be involved with. I love going and bringing smiles to their faces.
    The lake looks refreshing! How come no pictures of you in the water????

  2. In the water??? ME?? Ewe. There's goose pooey everywhere. I make my kids shower as soon as we get home.

  3. That was a fun day! Your kids are brave to jump in that water...I'm afriad fish would get me...
    You took some great pics


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