Friday, September 12, 2008

A Day at the Office

A few years ago, Puget Sound Financial Center was needing a fill in receptionist, since their regular became ill. My sister, Joy, who works there, suggested me, and so I began working an afternoon here and there. When the receptionist job opened up to full-time position, I was asked to take the job. I absolutely love it there, the people, the job, the I said yes. As time went by I really missed being at home. I loved being around grown-ups all day, but at the same time, I missed being there for my kiddos. After trying to work out part-time hours with my boss and co-workers, with no real options, I decided I would just quit and find something else. When Joy's boss heard that I was available part-time he told me that he had some stuff I could do a couple days a week, as well as being Joy's assistant. HOW FUN! This was just before summer, so I ended up taking the summer off so I could catch up on some things at home, and be there with my kids while they were out of school. It has been wonderful, but summer is over and back to work I go. Except for not feeling very well, my first day back was wonderful. I have the cutest, most adorable supervisor ever...aka: JOY or "Miss Smarty". She is a stock broker now and with me there to do all her paperwork she will have more time to do whatever it is she does. ;) Oh, my goodness, you should see her new office. It's huge, and the view from her window is amazing. I have a pretty good view from mine too, it's her smiling face! We can give each other silly looks through the glass all day. Anyways, I love that the Lord has allowed me to "have my cake and eat it too", concerning my job situation. I can get out and make a little money doing something that I really enjoy, as well as be home. He is so good to me.


  1. Lucky ducky, you! Greatest boss ever (my former boss!) Happy for you both!

  2. Your desk is soooo pretty. But hey, are those your tights? I can't tell - if not how funny, b/c it looks like they are . . . if they are tights - their cute ;-)

  3., not tights. The desk goes to the floor (which is nice cuz I can slip my shoes off and no one will even know). There are shelves in the front of the desk and that's a funky vase thing.

  4. Very nice work area you have...and how nice to have a "boss" that you really like. What a neat time for the both of you.

  5. LOL!! TIGHT! They would be MY tights, right?

  6. It looks cute!!! I gotta go see sometime!!! One auntie, boss of other auntie! How funny, and cool!

  7. You look so happy! I love your desk.


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