Friday, October 9, 2009

Grace is SWEET 16!!!

My how you've grown. It seems like only yesterday I was anticipating your birth. I will never forget how I felt when I saw you for the first time. You were this perfect little life that God had given to me to care for. It was love at first sight.

Do you realize how much it means to me to know that you and your friends love the Lord? It is what I have prayed for since before you were born. It is my  hearts desire to see you grow up and serve Him. I am so proud of you!

I love that you come and talk to me about what is going on in your life. You can tell me anything, because I am always here for you...even when you are REALLY chatty.

I love your happy heart! It's contagious to those around you. Keep smiling, pretty girl.

You have grown into a beautiful young woman, although I still see you as my "little girl".

Life is definitely fun when you are around. You keep those around you laughing at all you silly faces and crazy comments. Don't ever lose your sense of humor!

I hope that you have a very happy birthday, Sweetheart. I love you so much.


  1. Wow.. 16 already?!? Happy Sweet 16 Grace!! Have a great time tonight :D

  2. Loving my baby Grace! Happy Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday to Grace!! It seems like yesterday that my girls were that age and now they have or are about to have kids of their own. Soon they will be 16!! At least it seems that way. Have a GREAT party!! Valerie


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