Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friday Night Live, BBC Teen Bible Study

After months of prayer and searching for God's plan for our youth at Bible Baptist Church, He has blessed us with a wonderful youth pastor. Brother James Owalobi has surrendered his Friday nights to serve with us as we build the spiritual lives of our teenagers. We like to refer to it as Teen Bible Study, rather than Youth Group, for it is all about teaching the young people how to live according to the Word, and we spend most of our time together in the Book. One of the teens commented, "I am so excited to actually being learning the Bible instead of playing silly games all night with a quick 5 minute devotion before we go home." 

This past Friday was our first Bible study. It was awesome to watch Brother James interact with the kids. He has a way of getting the kids attention and keeping it. We were blessed with 19 teens, who all participated with good attitudes. It's exciting to watch God at work in our lives as we strive to please Him in all areas of our life. 

Friday Night Live meets every Friday  night at 6:30 pm in the fellowship hall at BBC. If you have any questions or need information please call the church 360) 876-0602.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I came across your blog by simply clicking the "Next Blog" link and all I have to say is thank you Jesus! What an encouragement to read what God is doing across the country. I live in Miami, Fl and I too am a youth leader at my home church Calvary Chapel Kendall (www.calverykendall.com).

    I will be praying for your teen bible study. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Corinthians 15:58

    Check out my blog when you can-
    I just began a few days ago.
    In Christ, Raquel


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