Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shayre's House in the Country

Shayre lives in the small town of Christoville in west Texas. They have 30 acres in the middle of nowhere, and going there for a few days is always a treat. I swear they have WAY more stars in the sky than we do. I now know what they mean when they say that west Texas has a BIG sky. I wish I could have got some pictures but my camera doesn't take very well night pictures. It was breath taking.
We hung out on the porch and drank sweet tea, laughing and sharing stories from the not so long ago. While Shayre's husband Fred grilled up some homemade jalepeno poppers and chicken. Shawna and I even went out for a 4-wheel drive at night which was an adventure in itself. She tends to bring out courage that I never knew I had. We had that 4 wheeler going 50 mph at one point. Thank God I lived to tell the story.

Meet Anna the hound dog.

Shayre and sweet Neileigh

Anna and Abby were following us on the 4-wheeler in 100+ temp. Poor girls.

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