Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Concho River

While in Christoville we always spend a day at the Concho River. It feels so good to be in the river when the weather is so hot. It's so peaceful and beautiful there.

There goes Nathan off the rope swing!

Neileigh got a hold my camera..haha.
Last year I tried the rope swing and loved it. This year, however, I only went off it once. I would normally sit myself on the knot and swing back and forth a few times so that I wasn't so high in the air when I dropped into the water. This time, I couldn't get on the knot and as I swung out over the river I couldn't hold on to the rope and slipped off. You should see the bruises on my inner thighs where the water slapped me upon entry. I almost lost my breath...and when I got to shore I was shaking so much that I could barely stand up. So, yeah, I didn't do it again so there is no video.


  1. Did you go tubing down the river. My sister and I would do that when we lived in TX and it is so fun and relaxing. GLad you are having a good time!

  2. You are brave Alice.....lokks like it was tons of fun. What a memory you created!!! {{{Hugs}}}

  3. I thought I wrote something here... I'm a Mo...
    Anyhow... it looks fun. I just would be afraid of snakes... do they have those? MMMM... hot weather and lakes/rivers are the best!

  4. Yes...there were snakes...and turtles. Didn't see a turtle but did happed to spot a snake swimming by the shore. I stayed in the middle of the river with my feet and hands safely on my floaty. As for jumping off the rope swing...I swam as fast as I could back to shore. haha


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