Saturday, February 28, 2009

Well Done, Josh!!!!

We celebrated my cousin, Josh's, graduation last night at my parents. I am so proud of him and happy that he has accomplished what he had set out to do. It makes me sad that he will go to wherever there is a job opening and we will miss him. I am praying that God will give him an awesome job in this area so we can keep him, even though he is probably wanting to move closer to home (Michigan), or closer to his girlfriend. In any case, I am proud of you, Josh, and so glad that you were able to finish up your schooling living with Mom and Dad so we could all get to know you.

BTW, Josh, we still haven't played a game of Scrabble yet. Are you up for the challenge?


  1. What a great job and a wonderful day! He was blessed and we were blessed! GOOD JOB, Josh!

  2. Took me 2 years and 8 months to get my Bachelors, but I'm there!

    yes, I'm up for a game of scrabble. I was thinking of that yesterday!

  3. Okay, I will talk to you tomorrow and we will set up a time when we can play this week. I am off on Tues. Thurs, and Friday.
    See you soon!


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