Friday, February 27, 2009

Nelon's Concert at BBC, Port Orchard

About 10 years ago my friend Patti and I use to go to as many Southern Gospel concerts as we could. We would sometimes drive 3 hours and pay admission to hear some of the greatest music I have ever heard. Of all the groups we heard, we loved the Nelon's above all the rest. I wore out all their CD's and our Ladies Ensemble have sang many of their songs.
Since those days we have been blessed to have many of these same groups sing right here at our own home church. Including the Nelons, who were here about 4 years ago and then again last night. One of the highlights of the night was when they took requests. They tried to sing "Joy Bells" off one of their old albums for us and had the entire audience laughing as they mumbled through some of the forgotten lyrics and forgot who sang what part. It was fun to see that side of them, and I am hating that I didn't get that part of their performance on video.

I am looking forward to their next visit up to the Great Northwest so I can hear them again...until then I will be wearing out some more of their CD's.

"Lamb of God" a song of worship by the Nelon's


  1. Thanks for inviting us! I bought all thier cd's and the dvd! They were amazing! Good to see everyone again.... I have always loved the Nelons. Got hooked when they were there the last time! Lunch was fun,,, you need any napkins? lol

  2. Glad you and the family could come and share in the blessings.

    A napking? haha, very funny. I still can't believe that happened.


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