Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Little Flower Baby

I found this old photo of Grace and David as I was going through some things over the weekend. I have always loved it, although Dustin didn't like the fact that I dressed his "boy" as a flower. The thought behind it was just the fact that pouring our love onto a baby is a big part of how healthy they grow physically and spiritually.

There is another shot of this somewhere that I liked better. It had the two little ones looking at each other and smiling. I will have to dig around some more to find it.

I hope that someone showers you with love today!


  1. Awww! That's sweet.
    Lol! And Grace with her glasses.

  2. I remember when you had these done! The pictures turned out so cute! But I'm betting that David doesn't like them so much anymore...he's too cool for that. :)

  3. oh cute! I love the pics...what does David think of the pics?

  4. I too remember when you had these done---boy does time go by fast....

  5. I always did like these pics. They are just too adorable.


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