Thursday, February 5, 2009

And the Dance World continues...

Well, we all took a deep sigh of relief when Grace got back from Florida after performing twice in the UDA Dance Team Championships. Before Nationals she was at dance practice 3 afternoons a week as well as many Saturdays since way back in June. Now the Cedar Heights Dance Team is over for the year.
We thought it would be nice to have Grace home in the afternoons again, but she on the other hand, loved being involved in a sport that kept her physically fit and motivated to keep her grades up. She suggested "wrestling" last week. My mouth dropped open. "How could you go from being a graceful dancer to rolling on the floor and fighting?" Dustin thought it would be okay as long as she only wrestled with girls but I was against the idea from the start. No wrestling for my little girl who is on her way to becoming a lady.

Then...the most exciting thing happened. She was asked to be on the All Star "Elite" dance team for our area. This would mean more practices for her and sacrifices on our part, as well as another trip to Florida for WORLDS in April. She has promised to keep her grades up (and rub Dustin's feet any time he wants) if we let her join the team. After discussing some things, Dustin and I agreed that this was something that we wanted her to do. I like having something to pre-occupy her time, it keeps her too busy to get into any trouble.

Grace puts her heart and soul into her dancing and it shows. I am a very proud mommy.


  1. That's so exciting for her though! Hopefully she doesn't get too stressed about the plane ride again...But she had so much fun last time, maybe it won't be so hard this time. Congratulations, Gracie! You're awesome!

  2. Yay, Grace! What an honor! Proud of her!

  3. That's awesome...I'm so happy for Grace :)

  4. Very cool! 2 trips to Florida in 2 months time?! I would love to visit Florida again. We lived there for 2+ yrs, its where Roy and Sally were born. April is still very mild temps too - perfect Disney World weather!

  5. Lucky Grace! So happy for her! I wish I could have seen her perform at games and such.
    You go Grace!!! :)

  6. That is awesome... Congrats Grace!!!


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