Saturday, January 24, 2009

Happy Birthday, David!

My "baby boy" is ten now. I can't believe it! He has grown up so much this past year. He's gone from a cute kid to a handsome boy. We celebrated his birthday today with a few of his neighborhood friends and his cousin Kenny. After some video games, presents and some of Grandma Hughes delicious Lego cake, the boys headed outside to play a little tackle football with David's new ball. They played so rough. Every time someone got tackled to the ground I would yell, "Oh, be careful!". I suppose I must let boys be boys, but nobody better hurt my baby! haha (don't tell David I said that).


  1. Wasn't that fun! Glad he enjoyed the cake. (It sure was interesting to make from NO PATTERN~ I cannot find my cake decor tips... probably gave them away.)
    Happy B'Day, big guy! Happy "Gotcha Day", too!

  2. Aw....tell him Happy Birthday from me. My twins turned 10 in December. They grow up sooo fast!!!!

  3. Looks like it was a lot of fun! :) Glad he got some Lego's for his birthday too!

  4. Man, that looked like fun, so sorry we coulnt make it,,, it was just a crazy day for us! Connor and David will have to get together this weekend maybe to hang out.

  5. The cake looked awesome, and it looks like everyone had a great time!


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