Monday, January 26, 2009

Game Night With Friends

Oh, my! We had such a good time tonight as a few families from church gathered at the Armstrongs for some time of fellowship. While the guys competed in all kinds of sports on the Wii, we girls decided to play a board game. None of us had ever played this particular game before but Lindsey had heard about it somewhere and we were all anxious to try it. The game is called "Would You Rather" and is suppose to be a good way to get to know each other. Let me add most definitely did that! haha. I have not laughed so hard in months. My favorite part of the game was when sweet, sophisticated Lindsey had to keep two lil smokies up her nose for an entire turn in order to win the game. She ended up losing one of them so the game continued. When it came to my turn for the win, I had to interpret a cat stalking and pouncing on it's prey for a full 60 seconds. It was either that or let the other players write "GOOF" on my forehead with lipstick while I held my mouth open as wide as I could for an entire turn. I chose to be a cat over the "GOOF" but really, isn't acting like a cat in front of all my friends a pretty "goofy" thing to do as well? haha. We used Jacob's Elmo for the prey...Jacob decided to come save Elmo from the big mean kitty. haha! Be sure to watch the videos at the bottom of my post for a good laugh.
I sure hope our new friends Joel and Genea will hang out with us again and that we didn't scare them off :) Haha...Sorry, I just keep laughing when I picture Lindsey with the sausages up her nose, that is the highlight of my week!
Dan's infamous cheese ball. It was so yummy...even better than my garlic cream cheese dip. Dustin says he is "THE KING OF CHEESE BALLS"!
The game that had us ladies acting like preshoolers.

Lindsey goes for the WIN with Lil Smokies up her nose!

Here's my interpretation of a cat...which won the game :D


  1. That was so much fun!! We really have to get together again sometime soon lol!

  2. I agree.

    I am still laughing. Every time I close my eyes I see Lindsey with Lil Smokies in her nose. lol

  3. LOL! Good laugh... I am not eating smokies at their house! LOL!!!

  4. If people don't know what a tableful of high-pitched laughing women looks/sounds like, show them those videos!
    That was funny! My favorite was Lindsey with the Lil' Smokies!

  5. That was so much fun! I lost my voice from laughing so much!! Glad I got to spend some time with everybody, and the cheese ball was DELICIOUS! (I didn't even try the little smokies.)

  6. We had such a great time last night...I agree we do need to get together again soon! I will never look or think of lil smokies in the same way again....haha...and everytime I see a cat pouncing I'll think of Alice pouncing on! Oh...we can't forget the little jumping! I haven't laughed so hard in stomach is sore :)


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