Sunday, December 14, 2008

Teen Christmas Party 08

We have a wonderful group of teens at my church (Bible Baptist in Port Orchard, WA). They have had 3 different youth directors in the last 4 years and are presently without one, but they continue to grow in Christ, go soul winning with the adults, and bring their friends to church. I am so proud of them and their desire to serve the Lord. We know that God is preparing the heart of the man who will one day take over this amazing group of young people, and we are praying patiently until that happens.

In the mean time, the Lord has burdened me to help out in any way that I can. Having a teenager myself, I know of the daily struggles that they go through with peer pressure and trying to do what's right in a world that is so against what we believe.

We had an amazing time Saturday night as we celebrated Christmas together. It was so good to see them laughing, smiling, and enjoying fellowship with each other once again. A BIG thank you to the Sagers for being such gracious hosts. I hope that other parents will also open their hearts and homes to these kids, because if we don't, the world will.






  1. Wow, send me the pix for our webpage... finally we have pics of the kids! Thank you for organizing this gathering! Its good to have photos of the fun they generate! Good job!

  2. That was fun! It sure was cold outside when we were caroling. I think my legs are still defrosting! Lol! I thank you for making this happen, and thank you Sagers for letting us use your house.

  3. Looks like they had tons of fun! I wish I felt better that night it would have been fun.

  4. I'm really glad that I came! Brandon had a lot of fun too!


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