Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Building a House with Daddy

It seemed like every time we would go to the store over the last couple months that David would find the display of "do-it-yourself" gingerbread houses. The usual question always followed, "Mom, let's get it!" Me with my "thrifty" ways always said..."No, honey, we can make our own at home." Of course, once we'd get home I'd have a million and one things to do and the gingerbread house kept getting put on hold. Walking through Fred Meyer a few days ago, he once again found the gingerbread house kit, only this time he asked his dad. Dustin loves doing stuff with the kids, however, I never imagined he would agree to making this little candy house with them. He didn't even think twice before answering, "Yeah, we can make it tonight!" David was thrilled.


  1. That is so precious! Such a sweet activity to do together! Thanks for sharing this side of Dustin...

    Does he think he can build one with pretzel logs on Christmas day at our house?

  2. That sounds like fun! A Lincoln Log candy house! I am sure Dustin, as well as the other kids (haha) would love to make one.

  3. Yummy! Looks like the kids started out putting the gumdrops on the roof all nice and neat, then got bored with it. :) How cute! This is my kind of kit, all ready to go. Easy Peasy!

  4. Aunt KJ,
    Way to go Dusty! It is great to see you spending time with your family. What a great gift God has given you over the years.

  5. Alice...your family is so Beautiful!!! The Lord has truly Blessed you. I always get a warm feeling when I visit you blog.



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