Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Laurel and Hardy

I thought I would post this for those of you who didn't know who Laurel and Hardy were. (as pictured on my mom's maternity dress on my "Happy Birthday, Daddy" post.
We grew up watching these movies from the 20's and 30's on our old movie projector. Good memories. But really...a dress made out of them??? haha, so silly.


  1. Funny . .. kinda like Mo, Curly, and that other guy . . .

  2. Yeah...They probably go the idea of the 3 Stooges from Laurel and Hardy.
    Every episode was pure sillyness.

  3. There ain't nothing like good old fashioned "slap-stick" comedy! L&H were my favorites. I also loved Abbott & Costello. Good clean comedy teams. They don't make clean comedy like this anymore. Too bad!


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