Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Fun Package On A Boring Afternoon

Due to all the snow we weren't able to receive mail for over a week. It finally started trickling in yesterday. Then, this afternoon we got an unexpected knock on the door. There stood a postal worker with a big package all the way from Texas! We were all excited, since this was a nice interruption from an otherwise uneventful, boring afternoon. The kids gathered around as I opened the box from my sweet friend Shawna and her little boy CJ. Inside we found it full of treasures and goodies. Shawna got the kids Texas size suckers and Popcorn Cobs which were a hit!! David wanted to pop his immediately, but I ended up eating most of it. Mmmm, it was so good!
She threw in quite a few gifts that mean so much to me. My emotions were on a rollercoaster, from laughing to crying in a matter of minutes. My heart is full. I thank God for bringing such a precious friend into my life.
I took some pictures of the kids. Grace wouldn't let me take any of her, but she enjoyed the goodies too!


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