Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dustin's New Friend

Dustin just sent me and the kids an email titled "My new Chinese friend". I was all excited that he had found someone to hang out with when he's over there. I guess he's pretty lonely when he's making friends with the insects. Ewe!


  1. Lol! You can buy one of those as a pet at the feed store in Silverdale! Only a couple of bucks too!

  2. One of my favorite movies as a kid was "The Deadly Mantis." Here is a link to the trailer:

  3. Well, now that I think of it, I think it was a stick bug you could buy as a pet. But they might have a praying mantis.

  4. That's so gross! I remember when we first moved to Hawaii, the boys found a praying mantis in the park across the street. Anders brought it in the kitchen and said "look what I found, Mommy" and then opened his hands to show it to me! I screamed "Get that out of my house!!" Anders just laughed "hehehe" and went back outside...the little stinkers!

  5. Dad,
    That movie trailer cracked me up! I can't believe those movies use to be scary, they are so fake. Technology has come a long way, I won't even watch scary movies these days.

  6. How AWESOME is that?!?! I can't remember the last time I saw one of those. We used to catch them as kids back in SC. I wonder if they'll let you take that on the plane?


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