Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Broken Heart

The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. PSALM 51:17

A broken and contrite spirit
The LORD doth desire;
No better sacrifice than this
To set my heart afire.

Softly the Spirit whispers the need
Of our souls to our heart;
All-knowing, sees
With the love that shall never depart.

When the vessel is broken
The Light will shine through;
Sometimes our greatest need is pain,
A truth understood by few.

Only when the heart is broken
And the tears begin to flow,
Can the glory of the Lord
Be seen and His likeness show.

So weary, burdened pilgrim,
The broken heart don’t despise,
Knowing there’s rest at the Cross
And a glorious heavenly prize.
-Gene Griffin

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