Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Princess Phoebe, our Yorkie

Phoebe is so entertaining, and is continually doing things that make our family laugh. When it comes to personality...she's loaded with it. Enjoy the pictures.


  1. LOL, she's a mess-maker extraordinaire, for sure! For a grand-dog, she's a real camera hog! Gotta love her (or she will do something else to endear her to you!)
    For such a little thing, she sure can take up a lot of attention (my dogs are jealous of her!)

  2. Mom, Dewey is jealous too. She loves to sit with me, and is so small and unevasive. Then big ol' fat Dewey tries to join us and we can kiss comfort goodbye. Haha. I love them both, but they are both wanting my undivided attention. I will post pictures of Sir Dewey later this week, you know..so he don't get jealous.

  3. THAT IS TOO CUTE!!! I LOVE THAT DOG! She is such a prissy princess! Lol!


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