Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grace!

My Gracie is 15 years old today. It only seems like yesterday when I found out I was expecting her. You see, we had prayed for a child for almost 3 years before God granted my request. I wrote this poem the night I found out that she was on the way.

I remember as a child
I'd daydream of the day
When I'd grow up to be a mom,
And watch my own kids play.
And then as I grew older
The day was drawing near
When I'd soon become the wife
Of the one I loved so dear.
Our days then turned to years,
So swiftly they flew by.
The house seemed oh, so quiet
Without a baby's cry.
At times I'd feel discouraged
And ask the Lord just why
He hadn't granted my request
Or heard me when I cried.
At other times I'd know
God's grace would always be
Sufficient through life's trials,
And that He did hear me.
And now, through all this waiting
I've grown so close to Him;
He's been a friend to lean on
When times grew dark and dim.
So, the waiting although hard
Was for a purpose, now I know
God is always on the throne
He cares for all His own.
He'll give you your desires
If only you will stay
Delighting in His promises
And trusting Him today.
"Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Psalms 37:4-5

I love you, Grace. You are God's gift and a precious treasure that He has trusted me to cherish and care for. You are growing up to be beautiful inside and out. Your sense of humor and ability to make others laugh is a joy to be around. Don't ever forget that you are God's answer to my prayers and a child of the KING.


  1. Awww, made the granny cry (sniff sniff)... nice to see my backyard while I am far away... Tell Gracie HI and HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me.

  2. Okay I'm sweet! Tell Grace Happy B-day for me! I'm so glad you came over today...I love having an awesome friend that lives just down the street ;)

  3. She is so pretty! Happy birthday Grace!

  4. yay u used my picture! i love that picture of her with the glasses, exactly how i remember her being back then lol.


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