Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Latest Scrapbook Venture

I love turning trash into treasures! Earlier I did a post about "Recycled Board Books", this time I recycled an Altoids tin. I have additional pictures and info on my other blog site "Daydreamed Designs" (link on my sidebar). Oh, the things you can create when you use your imagination!!!


  1. my my, where do you find the time? Ilove the concept, you need to teach me! how long did it take you to do that?

  2. This was my first one, but now that I figured it all out I can probably do one in a couple hours. I am going to my moms today to make one if you want to stop by.

  3. ohhh.... very nice! I scrapbook a lot, and would love to learn how this is done! I can't tell how you got the paper on the sides... or is that paper? Did you print the title on the computer or was it a rub-on? Love the idea!! I've never bought altoids before, but I may have to! LOL

  4. Thanks, Jenny...I made another one to day that turned out beautifully! I still have to make a few finishing touches on it before I post it. I just love these little tins! Can't wait to do another.
    I don't eat Altoids either but I am asking around for everyone to save their tins for me :)

  5. Haha... Yes, I should just ask my friends for their tins. Those things are too "spicy" for me! Thank you for your comment! I actually stick to the "paper" scrapbooking almost exclusively... I only create digital designs when I need an invitation and don't want to go buy one or make a bunch. For my family's albums though - it's paper all the way... I could never just do digital, I need to *feel* the stuff! :)


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