Friday, October 24, 2008

10 Things I Love About My Mom

Sally challenged us to make our list so here we go...1. She loves me unconditionally.

2. She is very sacrificial and will do without so that we don't have to.

3. She loves the Lord and encourages us to be more like Him.

4. She prays for me and my family every day.

5. She will change her schedule and drop whatever she is doing to help us with a task.

6. She's fun! We like to do the same kind of stuff.

7. She has a servants heart and is a wonderful help-meet to my dad.

8. She spends quality and quantity time with her grandkids.

9. She's more than a mom...she's my friend.

10. She makes the BEST lemon meringue pie ever!!!


  1. That was a good one! I love my gramma!!!

  2. AW...that's sweet...

    Hey is Dusty home yet? Been praying for him all day as he travels...

  3. He will be home around noonish. Yay! When he lays down for a nap I will probably head to town for a few groceries..I "may" stop by and finish up my new tin scrapbook.

  4. Thanks Alice for honoring your Mom. That was a great blessing for me to read. Love, DAD

  5. That was sweet Alice, I miss my mom sooo sooo much....spent the day in Port Ochard today...some with my brother and also Kristi's surprise party.....
    Enjoy your mom and family ALL the years the Lord gives you...they are never enough EVEN if you know they are in HEAVEN...


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