Friday, September 5, 2008

Welcome Home, ROY

My nephew Roy Gregson, spent the summer on a mission trip to the Ukraine. They did a lot of street preaching, passing out tracks, and hiking to small villages to share Christ with those who have never heard. We are so glad that he was able to go...but we are also praising God that he is back home safe and sound again. He is very active in our church and we missed him greatly while he was away. The family gathered at the Gregson's Tuesday evening to welcome him home and to hear all the exciting details of his trip. It is always fun when the family gets together. Welcome back, Roy. We are all so proud of you!

The kids had a blast. The Gregsons new house has a huge backyard with lots of room to run. It brought a smile to my face to see all the children enjoying one anothers company. Sally showed me the garden which she tends to, with the weeding and all that gardening requires. She has done such a good job. The flowers are beautiful and the veggies look scrumtious!

As you can see from the pictures, Savannah was not hurting for attention. Everyone loves the baby of the family and she is such a sweetheart. I don't get to see her enough, it was good to get some of her slobbery kisses! Of everyone there, she preferred to be in Roy's arms. She missed him so much...

...we all did. Please keep him in your prayers as God leads and directs him in the future.


  1. VERY cute!!! We had so much fun!!! That pic of Grace, Pearl, and I is so funny!!!

  2. HI Alice....can't believe how much ALL the kids have grown...I had to take a double take at the picture with you and Sally...thinking the pictures with Abigail in them were Sally....for when we left, Sally looked like that. Pearl and Grace are so grown up as well. You ALL look so happy...that is wonderful:) It is so awesome that Roy was in the Ukraine. Jason and I have good missionary friends who are there in Karkhov. Anyway it is a blessing to get caught up with you through the blog. It looks like God is doing some amazing things in all of your lives and that is so great...because He is FAITHFUL to do as He promises:)
    Under God's grace,

  3. So fun to see all the pictures...they are growing up so fast...where does the time go.
    That is so cool that Roy got to do the missions trip...what a experience for him...


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