Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to School

*Deep sigh*...back to school again. I have been so blessed to be able to take the summer off to be home with the kids. It went by way too fast though. We had a lot of fun. My house was usually full with their friends or cousins, but that is the way I like it. I enjoy hearing the laughter of children down the hall.
Grace and Hopie were both excited to get back to school, David on the other hand, would rather it be summer all year round (as you can see from the photo).
Grace looked adorable with her pearls and little knit hat. She has decided to dress up a little more for school this year, which makes me happy. She is growing up so fast! I remind myself of the fact that she will be 18 in 3 more years. That way I won't let the time slip away ...I try to take some time to hang out with her and listen to all the things that are going on in her world. I don't want to miss a thing.
While I waited at the bus stop with the younger two, Hope kept on asking if I was going to be home after school. She just wanted to make sure. I have been working the last couple of years and she didn't have "mommy" home to greet her at the end of the school day. I know how hard it is to be a working mom, and my heart goes out to those who have to. I will be going back to work next week, but the Lord has worked everything out so that I only have to go in the office two days a week. The day went by quickly and soon it was time to walk down and meet them at the bus stop. As the bus approached, I could see Hopie's little head peering out of one of the windows looking for me. My heart jumped a little when I saw a huge smile come across her face. It meant so much to her to have me there. David tries to be cool about the whole thing, but I know that he liked the fact that I was there too. As we walked back home, hand in hand, they both chattered about their first day, their new teachers, and their friends. I took it all in, I didn't want to take this time for granted...I know it was a gift.

1 comment:

  1. Wow . . . can't believe David and Hopie are old enough to get on that bus! Time flies by. Hmmmm - I rejoice with you that you got to "breathe" in your kids and enjoy this day with them. I'll be praying for you this week that the Lord will continue to allow you these little treats of motherhood. Beautiful post.


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