Monday, January 4, 2010

Time For Inventory

“…give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead.” ―1 Peter 4:5

Most companies take a regular inventory of their assets. Usually at the end of each year an accounting is made of the company’s ledgers and audits are conducted.

Every Christian is heading for an “divine audit” called the Judgment Seat of Christ. The Christian would be wise to take inventory of his life on a regular basis so he doesn’t have to be ashamed when he gives account to God.

As we begin 2010 it would be good to review the past twelve months and evaluate how you performed spiritually for God. Ask yourself the following questions and honestly answer them before God:

1. Am I more mature spiritually now than I was at the beginning of this year?

2. Have I been faithful in my walk with God (Bible reading, prayer, church attendance)?

3. Is there any hidden sin in my life right now?

4. Have I been a faithful witness to the lost this year in sharing the Gospel?

5. Is my conscience clear in my relationships or do I harbor some ill feelings towards another?

6. How many people are attending church right now because I invited them?

7. Is there anyone I have wronged this year that I have not asked forgiveness?

8. Have I honored God in through faithful stewardship?

9. Am I actively using my gifts and talents in my local church?

10. Has my faith increased over the past twelve months?

1 comment:

  1. Thank You for this reminder. I think I will use this checklist more often. Reminds me of Psalm 139:32-24: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."

    Praying that God may quiet you with His love throught this year as you seek to know Him and make Him known. God bless You.


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