Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Photos by Hopie - Visit with the Blue's

My parents and I made another trip over to see Pas. Blue and his wife on Labor Day. It is always a time of sweet fellowship and encouragement. I enjoy talking about the old days when our families served side by side in the ministry.

Hopie decided that 'she' wanted to take pictures of the event so some of these pictures are pretty random, but enjoyable nonetheless. She LOVES Pas. Blue and got a pretty good shot of him.
Before we left, I had to snap a couple for myself as my girls hugged on Pas. Blue's neck. Such a precious moment that they can now look back on and enjoy.


  1. Ahhhh yes. Time of sweet fellowship with good friends.

  2. There were some sweet moments yesterday! Thank you for bringing the girls with you! Good times!


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