Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Just Me & David

Yesterday morning David had his yearly doctor appointment. He was unusually very calm from the minute he woke up. His appointment went well, he is growing in leaps and bounds. Afterwards I decided I would take him to the liabrary and take advantage of his non-hyper mood. It was like having a different child with me. He did such a good job at the liabrary that I decided we would go get some hot chocolate so I could enjoy this rare moment a little longer. As we got close to The Morningside Bakery I could see that they had expanded and remodled. It was so cozy and inviting. David was a complete gentleman. He was just as fasinated at all the pretty cakes as I was, and as we shared a lemon pastry he was very careful not to eat too much of it so that I was sure to get enough. He also asked me if I could have any of the cakes which one I would pick. I pointed at one of my favorites and he said that he was going to buy it for me when he got the money. It just melted my heart.

I wish there were more mornings like this. Even with all that's going on this week...I have to say that this time spent with my boy was the highlight.

These bearclaws were so cool!


  1. I sure like that kid! Maybe he is outgrowing his need for meds at last! Glad you had a special time with him!

  2. I'm so glad you both had a great morning together. He's definitely growing up.


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