Monday, July 20, 2009

Missing Kyle Hake

It's been a tough week at our church having to say goodbye to the Hake family. Pas. Hake was the little brother we never had...a son to my dad, a co-laborer in the work of God. As my dad stated in yesterday morning's service, he was his "right arm" and someone he depended on. Now, with Pas. Kyle and Judith's decision to move back down south, it has left a huge gap in our church ministries but even a bigger hole in our hearts. He is greatly missed already. Please pray for our church, that we will lean on the strong arms of our Savior and for my dad as he struggles to keep up with all the responsiblities around the church.

For all my brothers and sisters at Bible Baptist, it's time for us to stand in the gap. Time for us to step out in faith and take on some responsibilites that we may feel inadequate to do. God has not let us down before and has always brought us through the difficult days.

Miss you.


  1. I will miss Kyle and Judith very much. They were very important people in both mine and the boys life. It doesn't seem right not seeing them on the front pew, and it'll take a while for me to "get over" the pain of losing their fellowship. But I know that God has great things in store and He will work all things together for good.

  2. Okay, I am crying again. It does hurt to see the void areas around the church...his empty office, his seat next to dad on the platform...their cute little house on the hill...

    When will it stop hurting??

  3. It will get better. It hurts now & yes it is a BIG loss for our church & for our Pastor but as long as we all pull together & keep our faith & trust in God He will do great wonders for our church.

  4. Brother Hake was everything a Pastor could want in an Assistant Pastor. He will always be my friend wherever he goes. I love him.


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