Monday, July 27, 2009

Haven Lake

The girls and I spent Saturday evening at Haven Lake with Joy and her friend Bill. It was so refreshing after such a hot day. The view was absolutely gorgeous with the Olympic Mountains in the distance. I was very disappointed that my camera battery had died, but was able to get a few pictures with my cell phone camera. Not the greatest quality, but they will do for now. I am anxious to go back and get some GOOD pictures of the beautiful scenery.

Bill took the girls out on the boat to teach them a little bit about fishing. They didn't cath any fish but were able to get a bit of seaweed on the line. :)

As the sun set, the sky and the lakes reflection got prettier and prettier. God sure made us a beautiful world to enjoy.

We ended the evening with a bonfire down on the lake-front, chit chatting over smores while Grace kept us laughing with her silly stories and comments.

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