Friday, June 19, 2009

Pickle Flavored Snow Cones

Yeah...who'd of thought??? But they really do make them here in Texas and they happen to be Shawna's favorite. My last visit she got me to try deep fried pickles (which I didn't care for) and once again she had me convinced to try this snow cone. tasted just like a dill pickle. SO WEIRD. I ended up letting her eat the whole thing while I had them make me a more traditional flavor (lime). haha. Can't say I didn't give it a try though.


  1. Lol, the picture after you had tried it is priceless. It reminds me of when I tried boiled peanuts in Ga. Eww...

  2. Strange, for sure! I am wondering if they actually put Spider Man in that flavor or if they use little spiders! EWWW!

  3. Cute pic of you tryling it!! EWE is right, I woulder what the Pixy Dust flavor tastes like?? Try it for me and let me know!!!!


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