Monday, May 4, 2009

David's New Chore

Dustin has been meaning to teach David how to mow the lawn for weeks now, but it seemed that every time they would have the time, Seattle would bless us with yet more rain. Finally, yesterday afternoon the sun peaked out of the clouds for the afternoon and David got his chance to mow. He loved it! haha...I mean, he was grinning ear to ear the entire time. We have a slight hill in the back yard that he struggled with, and the grass being a little bit wet made it even harder..but he did it! The veins were popping out of his head as he pushed with all his might, but he didn't want any help. The lines weren't perfectly straight, and there were a few missed patches, but he accomplished the task and I am so proud of my little man.


  1. He look so cute trying to push the mower up the hill. He did a great job!!!

  2. Proud of our little man on a mission...takes after his grandpa!

  3. Great job David! Mow... Mow... Mow! Mow Power!


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