Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Rainy Day Little League Games

Well, David has had 2 games so far this season and both of them were in the rain and wind. I sit on the sidelines all bundled up..yet still freezing, while I watch David out in the field without a coat. I embarrassed him at one point when he went up to bat by asking him if he was cold. He glanced my way with a "please stop" look on his face. I have had to learn not to shout out, "Good job, Babe!" or "It's okay, Sweetie!" Those are just not appropriate on the ball field, haha.

In the first game David played 3rd base for most of the game and pitched one inning. He is not crazy about pitching lately so when they asked him be catcher in the 2nd game he was thrilled. It was his first time playing that position and he did such an awesome job, "Good job, Baby Boy!" (don't tell him I said that).

They are on Spring Break so there are no games this week. I am hoping for a miracle...SPRING WEATHER, before his next game.


  1. Well as of today spring weather is looking dim. :)

  2. Our "baby boys" we once had crawling around the floor together are getting so big. sniff sniff
    Isaac is currently getting in gear for the swim team at the YMCA. His ultimate goal is to lifeguard there.
    Can you believe it? I couldn't. I still see his chubby little cheeks and curly locks, not the man that he is turning into...


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