Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Birthday, Mom!!!

I can't say enough about my mom. She is the glue that holds this big ol' family together. As a mom, she is always there to lend a listening ear or a helping hand. There have been so many times in my struggles through life's rough highways, that she has been by my side. I remember as a little girl coming down with an infection that caused so much pain I could barely breathe. She drove me to the hospital..as fast as she could, telling me that she know's God wouldn't care if she broke the law and sped just this time. She knew how to make a frightened little girl giggle in the seat beside her. She held my hand through the whole thing, and when they admitted me to the hospital, I wasn't scared because I knew she was going to be there with me, praying for me. That was such a long time ago, and there have been so many similar stories I could share, of how she has always been there for me and I know that my sisters can say the same thing. She gives everything she has and more to make our lives a little easier. I can never repay her for all the countless hours she has spent taking care of my kids and loving on them every chance she gets.

Isn't she beautiful?? She is expecting me in the photo. I adore it.

Grandma of 19!!!

This is absolutely my favorite picture of her with my David when he was little.

She is more than my mom...she's one of my best friends.

I love you, Mom.


  1. Thank you, Alice... that is so sweet!
    Love you too!

  2. ally, so sweet of you to lift your mom up on her b-day! Happy Birthday Mrs. Hughes! And what a beautiful day to celebrate!

  3. mmm... beautiful post for a beautiful woman! Happy birthday Barb!

  4. I'm diggin those pants on the Preacher...4th picture down! WOOT!

  5. Yeah..those are some groovy pants. Too bad he didn't hang onto them for our Hair Quartet. haha


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