Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Winter's Forest by Hopie

My little Hopie brought this painting home from art class yesterday. I fell in love with it immediately. I think she is very talented with the pencil, or paint in this case. We have discussed having my mom give her water-color painting lessons. I think she's ready!

I want to have it framed, but they sent it home folded and now there are creases in it. Does anyone know anything about framing or how to get rid of the fold lines?


  1. She is getting great! Very well done! Good job Hopie. :)

  2. yes, so beautiful... i have been planning lessons for her and she is already SO GOOD! She captures "depth" already... a real talent.

    Paper can be flattened in a "press" of many books on top placed between flat blocks or books larger than the page. Definitely needs framing!

    Great job, Hope!

  3. Hope's picture is so pretty, If you call Andrea, Talk to her about having in framed. She is really good about that kind of thing.

  4. Wow... that is beautiful! She has some talent there.

  5. I love it...she is doing great! It would be adorable framed...I love that idea!


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