Sunday, March 15, 2009

SNOW in Mid-March!!

I woke up this morning with a text from my dad who is in Arizona right now, preaching a revival meeting. He sent a picture of the view from his hotel room window. Beautiful sunny's suppose to be in the 80's there today. I texted him back saying that it was rainy and windy here...since that is what it was like when I went to bed last night. Then...I looked out the window and immediately sent another text that said, " I take that back. It's dumping SNOW here!" I love the snow, but really, in March? I am ready to see flowers blooming outside my window and wake up to the birds singing in the trees.


  1. Ally, I so AGREE with you,,,Im so tired of this snow garbage! Todd took the 4wdrive to work at 6 am, so we stayed home from church! Bummer! Lets go on vacation to Hawaii again!!

  2. yah, you can have my share, LOL

    LOVING this warm sunshine and cacti everywhere


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