Saturday, March 21, 2009

Little League Opening Day

Well, it's baseball season once again. We have anticipated this day since it ended last year. For the next few months David will be on the field playing ball with his biggest fan in the bleechers cheering him on. I was able to be at every one of his games last year. I enjoy watching him as he puts his heart and soul into every play. We have noticed a huge difference in his attitude since he started playing baseball in a league. He is learning how to get along with others and that it's okay to make mistakes. His coach this year is awesome with the kids and we couldn't be happier with his new team, the ORIOLES. Dustin is an assistant coach this year and has been out there working with the kids 2 to 3 times a week.
Today was Opening Day, held at John Sedgwick, crowded with 300 Little League players as well as their families, as we brought in the 2009 season.
Monday is David's first game of the season and I will be there rain or shine (or even snow with the weather we have been having, haha).

Doing the happy dance!



  1. Yay, David! Play ball! Go, team, go! I wish we could be at the game but will be driving home from SeaTac at that time (or landing?

  2. That last pick of him is just SO CUTE! Lol! He tries to look tough sometimes, but I think that is when he looks the most adorable.


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