Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bible Baptist "Signs of Love" Ministry

We have a new outreach ministry at our church where we all head out to different street corners around Port Orchard and hold signs with our church name, wave and smile at the cars that drive by. It's something anyone can do, old and young alike, and I have been so excited to get involved in it.

Today was our first day out there and what a blessing it was to be a part of something that makes such an impact on the community. I was in the group that stood in front of the church, and as cold and wet as it was, I enjoyed myself thoroughly. I can't wait to do it again. Now it's time to pray that the Lord will give us some fruit for our labor.

Thanks for coming out to take some pictures, Kat. (and for the amazing hot chocolate). You are a blessing.


  1. AMEN! That was great! I'm looking forward to doing it again next month (in warmer weather!). Pray we'll see some people who saw our signs visit us at church.

  2. Dan and I are sorry we missed it...this last weekend was tough :( It's great to see the pics!


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