Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Snow...it's so beautiful.

I was so excited to wake up and glance out the window to see the white flakes gently falling. I don't know why I love the snow so much since it can be such a inconvenience at times. With all that we miss out on when we get snowed in for a day or two, the benefits of staying at home all cozy with our loved ones far out-weigh the disadvantages.

...okay, no joke, the power went out just as I finished that last sentence. haha! The timing couldn't have been more perfect. "...all cozy with our loved ones..."??? umm, not quite so cozy after that.
After a long afternoon nap I woke to find the power still out and the kids whining that they were hungry and bored. I loaded the kids and the dogs in the car and headed to Auntie Joy where it was warm..(and cozy).

Here's a picture of the tree in my front yard. I love how it looks with little snow clusters on the bare branches. I messed around with it in photoshop since I am trying to learn all that stuff.


  1. I like the last one best. It has some pretty red in it.
    Phoebe looks like she is enjoying the snow!

  2. For some reason your house seemed strange to me... I at first was thinking it should be blue, but it hasn't been blue for along time lol. Weird. Anyways, pretty pictures. I love the tree pics.


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