Thursday, February 19, 2009

Now That's A Pizza!!!

The kids and I went over to my sister Joy's house Sunday night after church. Since there was no school on Monday we decided it was the perfect opportunity for a slumber party. She ordered a pizza while I ran home to pack a few things and grab the doggies. I was starving and when we got there her kids were in the livingroom with a pile of pizza on their plates. My heart sunk, as I thought there wouldn't be enough for the rest of us...that is, until I walked into the dining room and saw this gargantuan pizza sitting on the table. (yes, that is another BIG word for me but it decribes this pizza to a "T" and I have been waiting for an opportunity to use it..haha). In all my days I have never seen a pizza that size. Joy said that they had to tilt the box to get it in the front door. Awesome!!! ...and Oh, so yummy!

Seabeck Party Size Pizza...try it, you'll like it.


  1. Yah, I was amazed and tried to get the huge box OUT of the house on Tuesday! What an effort! HUGE!!! LOL

  2. yummy...i what pizza all the sudden...hmmm :)


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