Friday, January 23, 2009

It's A Small World

I got a pretty interesting phone call last night. It was from our neighbor across the street in the Gray's old house. David had given their son an invitation to his birthday party and she was calling to RSVP. After we dicussed the party she asked, "Did your husband go to South Kitsap High School?" (she saw his name on the invitation). I told her that we both did, and she laughed and said that she had dated him before me. Oh, my goodness, I knew who she was as soon as she said that. It was Tina G. who Dustin was going out with when I met him. They had dated a long time and were pretty good friends back in the day, so I gave the phone to him. It's kinda bizarre that she has lived there for a year and our children have played together but we had never met or even noticed that we knew her from our highschool days. Tina & I both admitted to being lazy when it came to being good neighbors, and with her husband in Iraq right now my heart feels for her and we will be having her over for coffee soon.
I shared this with one of my dear friends this morning and we laughed as she told me how weird it would be to have an ex across the street. Whether it be one of hers or his, she would feel like she needed to be all done up before she went to check the mail or take out the trash. I had to admit, I thought the same thing. Silly and prideful, I know...but that's just the way it is.

I fell asleep thinking about highschool and how Dustin and I first met and fell in love. I am thankful that God has been the glue that has kept us together all these years.

I love you, Honey. XOXO

Now don't you be laughing at my BIG bow and clothes. That was COOL back in the 80's. haha


  1. haha, you guys were such dorks! :) But that's ok, I was too!!!

  2. How funny is that... actually Port Orchard is not that big a town, is it?

    Is she as cute as she was then? LOL

  3. Honey, where is my hair gel? I am going out to mow the lawn.

  4. haha, Dustin..funny, funny. (dork)

  5. That is so weird! How did that happen?!
    And I'm SO glad I didn't have to live in the 80's! *:0

  6. I love the clothes and hair...
    Dustin's comment cracked me just don't get it sometimes...haha:)


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