Saturday, January 3, 2009

Great Grandpa & Grandma Renfro

The kids adore Dustin's grandma and grandpa...their "great" grandparents. We don't get to see them as often as we would like to with them living in Portland. When we do go, the kids have a blast and grandma & grandpa spoil them rotten.
We headed to Portland on New Years Day for a family get together and we went a few hours early so that we spend some time at the grandparents house. Grandpa smiled as he told the kids his "rock" story. Back when Dustin was a little boy, his dad and grandpa took him up to Mt. Hood to do some fishing when they found the cantelope looking rock. Grandpa thinks that it is a thunder egg, full of crystal, but has never cracked it open to find out. I suppose it's because he doesn't want to be disappointed if it's just a common rock. David is frustrated by the whole thing and keeps asking why grandpa doesn't just find out what's inside it. Dustin has assured him that someday he hopes to inherit "the rock" and they will crack it open together.

The girls played with grandma's vintage Barbies. They were so awesome, I loved all the old clothes and shoes. Normally, Grace doesn't usually play with dolls anymore, but you couldn't resist getting your hands on these beauties.

We were all surprised to see that they had 3 little chiahuahua puppies down the hall in the spare room. Perfect, one for each of them to hold.

We love grandma and grandpa so much and are looking forward to our next visit, which will hopefully not be too far in the future.


  1. That is so COOL! Good to hear David plunking the keys, too! I like the rock! It probably DOES have crystal inside! Way COOL!

  2. That's a GINORMOUS rock. I'm with David - let's open 'er up!

  3. BTW - thought it was hilarious that you had to say "hold it" so sternly to David in that one video - after you were being so cutsie about the puppies. Dunno - just struck me as funny.

  4. Ohhhh how about one more comment, just for comments sake....
    I'm a Mo... I know!

  5. I love the Barbie cool! The puppies are so the video :)


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