Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cedar Heights Dance Team 2009

David, Hope and I went to Cedar's basketball game today so we could see Grace and her team dance at half-time. They get better and better each time I see them. GO CEDAR!!!
The team is off to Nationals at Disney World in Florida later this month. I will keep you posted as to when they will be aired on ESPN. We are so very excited that Grace has the opportunity to be a part of such a fun sport!


  1. WOW! they're really good. I love their high energy. I want to see a live game performance sometime!

  2. They're so can tell they work really hard!

  3. I'm glad I got to go see her perform on Friday at the SK Bball game! She did so good, I just wish that guy didn't stand up in front of rude! >:-(

    Can't wait to see her perform at Nationals. She's gonna have so much fun!


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