Wednesday, January 28, 2009

FINALLY got a picture of JOSH

My cousin Josh has been staying with my parents for about a month now. We never got to see him growing up so it's been fun getting to know him better. We are glad that his schooling has brought him from Michigan to Washington for a while.
Earlier this month I tried to get a picture of him. His eyes closed just as I snapped the photo so we tried again...and again...and again...and again..ect. His eyes were closed in every single shot. He would try so hard to focus on keeping his eyes open, but each time I took the picture he would blink. By the 7th try we were all laughing and I decided to put my camera away. I didn't end up getting a good picture of him that night, but on Saturday when he was over for David's birthday party, I finally got a good shot of him and my mom (aka: Aunt Barb).

....and finally we can see his eyes. Thanks for being such a good sport, Josh. haha


  1. THERE he is! That was SO FUNNY that night! Oh, and that "stranger" in the pic... a friend of our neighbor just clowning around. Wasn't his name Tim? Too CUTE! LOL

  2. I agree...that was hilarious at Brad's party trying to get a picture with Josh's eyes open! :) Glad you finally got one. He's such a great guy, love having the chance to get to know our cousin better.

  3. Haha. Yes, you finally managed to snap a picture of me with my eyes open! Didn't you also manage to get one of me with my eyes closed on Saturday as well?

  4. Haha, Yes I did get another one with your eyes shuton Saturday! I am so glad that I finally got a good one of you :D

  5. I love the pics...haha! Looked like it was fun :)


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