Thursday, January 29, 2009

Farewell Gracie Girl

Well, I just got home from the Cedar Heights Dance Team send off. The team performed their routines for us, said their "good-byes", piled on the bus and headed for the airport. This is what they have been working towards all year, and tomorrow they will be in Orlando, Florida for the United Dance Association Dance Championships at Disney World.
My Gracie gave me a big hug and didn't let go for a long time. She sobbed on my shoulder, which made me start to cry. We were a mess.
I stayed until the bus drove out of sight, waving and giving Grace a thumbs up. She blew me kisses as the tears rolled down her cheeks.
On my drive home I got the sweetest text from her. It is kinda for "everyone" so I decided to put it on my blog where ya'll can read it for yourself:

"My heart is hurting. I love you guys soooo much. I can't stop crying. I love you. Tell everyone I love them, I mean EVERYBODY. <3333" ~Grace We love you too, Sweetheart and are so very proud of all your hard work. Kisses and Hugs.


  1. WHERE have I been???? I haven't checked in a couple of days . . . and lo and behold - blog crazy you have been.... I esp. liked the post about the neighbor across the street thing . .. wierd. I would be tempted to have a make out session in the front lawn . .. just to make a point. But that's just my crazy prego ways. A little over zealous at times... :-0

    Congrats to David - on his birthday and to Grace on her accomplishments.

    BTW - You look a TON better now - without the big blue Minnie Mouse bow.

  2. i will miss Grace and will text her a few times this week. I hope she took her phone! #8^O

  3. She's so sweet. I pray that she will be ok while there and wish her & her team best of luck.

  4. I hope she enjoys herself and doesn't get nervous!
    That is such a cute picture of her!

  5. wow, I almost got teary eyed,,, reading about your goodbyes. She will be fine, and It will make her appreciate the things at home even more! letting go of our kiddos (at any age!!) Is such a difficult step for us mom's. Just wait until she gets married and you can't tell her what to do anymore! ;)

  6. I think that was so sweet! Gracie, is such a blessing!


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