Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Cedar Dance Team Wins 1st at the Apple Cup

Once again, Cedar takes first in a state wide competition at the Pacwest Apple Cup. This time Dustin and I were able to attend since they held it at Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center. It was so much fun to see our Gracie up on that huge stage dancing her heart out. I was pretty bummed when I realized that my video camera wasn't recording their Pom routine...however, I did get the 2nd half of the dance on video. The girls did awesome as usual and were awarded 1st place. They also did a routine in the Hip Hop catergory, and won 1st in that as well. When the girls received their awards I got all chocked up and was so glad that I was able to be there. They have worked so hard and really deserved all that recognition. As I have said before many times...."GO CEDAR!"

Stretching before the performance.

Being silly while we waited for the judges to determine the winners.

Pom Routine

Hip Hop Routine


  1. Yay! Go Grace! She does really well, and has put in so much hard work to get to where they are. I know that you have put in a lot towards her success too! What a good and supportive mommy you are! I'm sure she's grateful for all your help. Good luck at Nationals, Grace! Go CEDAR!

  2. Look Dad,
    I'm in the dance world!


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