Friday, December 26, 2008

A White Christmas

We have been snowed in for a week, so I was thrilled when Dustin said that we would venture out on Christmas Day to visit the family. We got stuck twice on the way there and a couple of times on the way home, but the fellowship we had enjoyed was well worth the deep slushy roads we had to travel on. Everyone made it safely, even the Gregsons. Joy got stuck on her street too, but Ruth and Jesse went and recued her and the boys in their 4x4 (thank goodness! we couldn't have Christmas without "JOY").

I am not complaining about the snow. I love it! And I love that we were able to have a White Christmas this year.

I absolutely adore this picture of my daddy laughing.

Our doggies loved playing in the torn paper and cardboard packaging.

My new "Dewey" ornament. Thanks, Joy, it looks just like him!

Not a family gathering goes by that we don't head across the street from mom and dad's house to say hello to our good friends, Brad and Valerie Sager. As we entered we noticed they were celebrating Brad's 50th birthday. My kids think it's pretty cool that he has Jesus' birthday. Happy Birthday, Brad!

Valerie & I

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