Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner '08

We gathered at the Gregsons this year for the big dinner. From the turkey cooked to perfection to the homemade pies...everything was delicious. Dustin had the honor of saying grace for the meal and a prayer of Thanksgiving for God's goodness. God has blessed me with such a wonderful family and the time we spent together was precious. Enjoy the pics.

Save some for the rest of us, Daddy.

The older boys played outside all afternoon, but took a break for some pie.

Aren't they cute?

The little ones had lots to say to Grandpa.

A few games add to the fun.

See-see oh, playmate!

I love my daddy.

My Joyness :D

Across the room, but he still had his eye on me. Awe.

The younger boys played a few games of baseball.

While some of the children got wagon rides.


  1. Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year! Such great memories of family togetherness! Love these pictures! They portray what families are all about! Love, Dad

  2. Yep, that just about wraps up the big day! Fun and family enjoyment! Sorry Ruth and the kids missed it this year! So glad the rest of us had a relaxing and enjoyable time. (Even though Sally AND Joy beat me in cribbage this year, I still had fun!)

  3. looks like fun family time! Love the colors in Charity's house. And you in your red sweater,,, getting a jumpstart on the Christmas season? Miss ya D

  4. Looks like you had a great time. What a fun family!

  5. It was really fun! This being the 3rd year in a row now, maybe it will become tradition to have Thanksgiving at the Gregsons'? The kids sure had a blast! Mine love to have cousins over.


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