Saturday, November 1, 2008

Talent Night 2008

At BBC we have a fun Halloween's Talent Night. We have done this for a few years and it always so much fun! Lot's of skits, singing and playing musical instruments. This year Joy and I did our "Sisters" routine as well as being a part of the HAIR Quartet. It was hilarious to see Pastor Hughes (aka:Dad) and Pas. Kyle dressed up as hippie's from the 60's. My dad chose this song since everyone knows that we joke about his going bald. I have not enjoyed myself this much in ages.

My kids all participated, Hope and David both sang solo's and Grace shared a little bit of what she has been learning on her Cedar Dance Team. It was a memorable night for the whole family and something we will talk about for years to come.


  1. haha! I had a lot of fun last night! Everyone did a great job and showed off their "talents"!
    ;-) It's always nice to let our HAIR down...hehe!

  2. That was great...I never thought I would ever see Pastor wearing hippe outfit and singing about hair. I was laughing so hard and the piece you did with Joyce was so cute.
    What a great alternative to Halloween.

  3. Awesome pics! who is the 4th person in the hippie outfit? You dad looks really good like that...almost,,,, natural!? should have done a video for all of us to watch! Thanks for the fun post!

  4. The tall hippie is our associate Pastor Hake.
    There's videos but they weren't working very well earlier today.

  5. It was a fun night! You all did great, I loved the last song...I sent the u tube video to my Mom and sis so they could see it!

  6. haha..hope they got a good laugh out of it :D

  7. We shared the HAIR video with Blues when we were there today. They were ROFLOL at you guys! David Blue came over to see what the hoopla was all about and said he could not believe it! It was SO MUCH fun and FUNNY! I am trying to think what I could do next time (or new years?) I want to do an ACT!

  8. haha. Yeah, Mom, you never do the silly stuff. That would be funny.


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