Sunday, November 2, 2008

Old Fashioned Sunday

What a fun-packed weekend we have had at BBC. First we had our annual Talent night on Oct. 31st and today we had Old Fashioned Sunday with an old fashioned dinner after the service. I think that some of the adults had more fun than the kids. I know that I did. I found my bright spring green outfit in the vintage section at Value Village.
We had old fashioned singing and preaching, but that is really the norm here at BBC. The highlight was seeing one of our visitors coming forward for salvation as the piano played "Just As I Am".

Who's the Granny? That's Joy..hehe.

Dan and Lindsey. She was beautiful as usual, Dan, well, his get-up cracked me up.

Pastor & Mrs. Hughes

Miss Judith & Pastor Kyle


  1. Loved it! Great summary of a wonderful day! Thanks for the chronicle of it! My fav part was getting to know the sometimes shy new family...I sat down with them at meal and they opened up! It was SO great... and then HE stood up to testify in the PM service too! God is GOOD!

  2. Ally, only you would have green shoes to match something you found at the thrift store....or did you get those there too? I love the silloettes! Joyce makes a GREAT GRANNY! lol

  3. Yeah, I found the bright green shoes at Value village too. They are antique and were very uncomfortable but I just had to get them.
    And, Joy, well, she had the entire church rolling with laughter. haha

  4. What cute pictures. Looks like everyone had a good time...but more importantly, it sounds like some people's hearts were stirred. you need anymore altoid tins? Because if so, I have quite a few. I dont like them, butm y husband eats them all the time. yucko!!

  5. It was a fun day, and everyone looked great! I was very impressed that you found green shoes to match....great eye :) Oh btw what is friend day?

  6. I LOVE Friend Day. We have a service where everything is based on Friendship, the message, the songs, ect. You'll be surprised how easy it is to invite your friends to something like that. I can't wait.

  7. That was so much fun! I am going to have to figure out a way to top my surprise for the next old fashioned day....good thing I have 3 years to find something! :)

  8. It was a great day at Bible Baptist... Great costumes... Great music... Great dinner... and the sermon wasn't half bad either!


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